Thursday, December 25, 2014

Another Overdue Post

Hiya, guys!

HOW ARE YOU?! I just have to all-caps that because it's been a long, long while since I last posted, and that was back in July! I owe you a lot of kuwento, so I'm not gonna talk further, gotta go straight to the stories:

1. I got myself a new job! I got accepted as a data analyst in a BPO company somewhere in Eastwood. It's a far cry from my Journalism or even Law degree, but I know I have the skills that's fit for the job.

However, the road along the way was not easy. I don't want to get into further details, but I committed a few minor mishaps along the way. To this day, to be honest, I'm trying to get by every day; but I know with more effort, a little help from my teammates, and the right timing, my moment to shine will come.

My crazy good wave mates..

And the rest of the team. Actually hindi pa lahat yan!

2. I transferred schools this semester. To this day, I couldn't get myself to explain to anyone the reason why I did that. Only my classmates back in my old law school who transferred along with me could understand the situation. And that is even without explaining our sides. It makes me think that maybe law students has some sort of language that is unknown to outsiders, besides the Latin maxims that we have to memorize by heart.

And I did not have any regrets doing that major change. The way the professors impart their knowledge to the students was a far cry from my old law school. Also, the atmosphere was less hostile; and finally we party without thinking of any law school-related matter AT ALL.

Taken during our Christmas Party.

3. BF and I are now four years together! I'm just so happy that we got this far. Even if we are not together in law school, we make it a point to communicate as often as we could and spend time together whenever we could. Indeed, effort from each other's parts is what feeds the fire of love (#hugot!)

4. I started a tradition of sorts in my new workplace a few months after I got the job. I call it The Great Eastwood Coffee Hop. Every month, I make it a point to taste at least one coffee from a coffee shop in Eastwood. There are around ten establishments in the area known for their coffee, and I only had around three. I will be posting my thoughts about the coffee that I have tasted in a series of the same name soon.

Review on this coffee coming soon!

5. The real reason why I have not posted anything for quite some time is because I don't have a camera. My Sony Cybershot camera was broken back in May for some reason, so whenever I have to take photos I have to lug around my Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0. It's got a pretty decent camera function but methinks that a tablet is quite a cumbersome device for taking photos. I'm planning to upgrade my current phone to one with the same decent camera function. Something like this...

Photo credit here

Or maybe get another point-and-shoot camera like this...

Photo credit here

What do you guys think?

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