Sunday, January 3, 2016

[30 DAY BLOG CHALLENGE] What is your favorite quote?

Hiya, guys!

It's officially the first Sunday of 2016, and the last weekend before classes and work officially starts. Are you excited? Do you dread it? Tell me all about it!

But today, let me share to you my most favorite quote at the moment. Ready for it? Then click 'Read More' now!

This here is a quote from Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, one of my favorite persons in the country.

Credits to the user who posted this quote.
I first read this quote back when I was starting out in law school. I could still remember how nerve-wracking every recitation session is at that time, so much that I dread it. This, however, did not stop me from reading the required readings because that's one of the ways to learn what I have to learn.

When I pondered about this quote further, I was like, 'Oo nga, 'no?' Like, a teacher has to assume that his or her students does not know yet what he or she is about to teach them. They have to guide them towards the knowledge they need and more.

Ever since reading this, it has been my guide for looking for a mentor, whether at work or in school. I now have a mentor in school who is teaching me a lot of things in the legal field, including some *real* things that most teachers do not talk about in class.

How about you guys, who is your mentor or favorite teacher? Share all about them in the comment section.

And as usual, here's the rundown of the posts that I did so far for the challenge:

The 30-Day Blog Challenge
Day 1: Write Some Basic Things About Yourself
Day 2: 10 Likes and Dislikes
Day 3: Your Day In Great Detail
Day 4: The Meaning Behind Your (Blog) Name
Day 5: Five Places You Want to Visit
Day 6: What Band or Musician is Important To You?
Day 7: Do You Read? What Are Your Favorite Books?
Day 8: Three Things You Want to Say to Different People
Day 9: Pet Peeves
Day 10: If you could only live off of one food and one beverage for the rest of your days, what would they be?

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