Saturday, December 26, 2015

[30 DAY BLOG CHALLENGE] Your Day, In Great Detail

Hiya, guys!

Photo credit here
How was your Christmas? Mine was a bit quiet, save for some relatives who dropped by the house before noon to have brunch, as well as those godchildren who passed by for their Christmas gifts.

So for the third day, I'll be writing about my day in great detail. But a few disclaimers before I begin:

First, I'll be writing here my usual when I have classes in school (this semester, it's Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays), so that you'll have an idea of sorts as to how my day goes during those days. Second, I'll be including here my usual work schedule, meaning my work schedule when I don't have any errands to run on that day.

Let's now begin?

5:30AM - I usually wake up with the sound of people in the house preparing for the day -- Mom for work, my little sister Marty for school and Dad for whatever in store for him (tending the store, doing steel works, etc.). I either stay in bed and sleep more but most of the time, I get out of bed for good and fix it.

6:00AM - I do my usual morning routine -- brush my teeth, eat breakfast, wash the dishes, take a bath (and dress up) and fix either the other bedroom or the living room.

6:30AM - I now prepare myself and my workstation for the work day ahead. After setting up my laptop on the table, I do some adjustments to my gadgets and open some websites that I will use.

7:00AM - 12:00PM - Work starts. I open my teaching slots during these times, and so my students would book me on these times. If at a certain period I'm not booked I either update my blog, do some vlogging, take photos for my blog or read up for the class that day. If at 10:30 -11:30AM these slots are not booked, I prepare my lunch.

12:00PM - Lunch time. I usually eat quickly so afterwards I clean up my eating mess (a.k.a. wash the dishes)

Read the rest of my day by clicking 'Read More'

1:00PM-2:30PM - Work resumes. If up until the last 35mins of this time I am not yet booked, I start to prepare for school.

2:30PM - I usually prepare for school at this time -- shut down the laptop, wash my face, dress up, put my required books for the day on my bag.

3:00PM - I leave the house to go to school. Travel going there usually starts at this time.

4:30PM - I usually arrive at school at this time. Since I still have some time to spare, I use this to review for today's subject.

5:30PM - Classes begin.

8:30PM - I leave school. Unless I'm hanging out with my boyfriend or law school friends after class, this is when my travel back home begins

On Tuesdays our class ends at 9:30PM, but our professor usually ends his class at around 8PM, thus I leave school at 8:30PM.

On Wednesdays, my class ends at 7:30PM, but because I'm trying to avoid the PM rush hour and I'm waiting for my boyfriend's class (who is next door to mine) to end at around 8PM, I leave school at 8:30PM.

On Thursdays, our class ends exactly at 8:30PM, so no problem with that.

9:45PM - Usual time of arrival at home, unless there was traffic or it was hard to get a ride going to my destination. At this time, I chill out by watching TV, talking to my parents about my day, eat dinner (if I had not had my dinner somewhere before heading home) and sometimes updating the vlog. And of course my night routine -- remove makeup if any, wash my face, change into my sleep clothes...

11:00PM - It's usually lights out at this time, but I still watch new videos on Youtube or basically tinker with my tablet before I finally fall asleep at around 12AM or 2AM (yikes!)

So that's my usual work-and-school day schedule. If you want me to list down my schedule when I only have work and no school, just leave a commend down at the comments section, ok? And see you in my next post!

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