Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The 30-Day Blog Challenge

Hiya, guys!

I have to admit I've been on a blogging slump lately. Probably because of the holiday season -- I'm raring to have a 'vacation leave' of sorts for the next few days. Which is quite hard to do because it's the peak season for home workers like me! What should I do.

Photo credit here
So as an attempt to keep my literary creative juices flowing (is that even an acceptable phrase?), I decided to accept the 30-day blogging challenge.

The mechanics: to post a blog entry every single day for 30 days. Each day has a specific theme, so the writer/blogger will write about that theme for the day assigned.

There are tons of different writing challenges available online these days, but which one did I chose? Click 'Read More' to find out.

I chose this 30-day blogging chalenge from Coffee Chronicles Etc. simply because I find about 90% of the topics here easy enough to think about for a blog post. I thought, it won't be hard for me to stay motivated to blog when topics like these are laid out.

So tomorrow I'll be starting the blogging challenge. I hope this challenge will motivate me to finish all the reviews that I have to post on my blog. Watch out for my first post!

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