Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lessons of 2010

I was about to start an entry just like what I did two years ago: a rundown of the events that happened in the year that has passed. But as I was organizing my thoughts about it, something came into my mind...

The year has been nice to me, so nice that it's so 'blog-worthy'; but at the same time it was so mean that I won't even dare to share to the entire world, even after many years.

Perhaps it would be better if I share the lessons that I have learned during the year 2010...

• Trust means virtually everything to any relationship. Lose it, and you also lose everything. And even if you do start again, you will never gain that same level of trust ever again.

• There is nothing quite like a strong support system. They are called such for a reason: they are meant to hold you up when you're about to fall at your back.

• They say, 'Love yourself first before loving others.' But sometimes, you can only learn loving yourself through those people who knew very well that you're worth loving.

• What you are in the past does not dictate your future. So stop wallowing at your past mistakes: learn your lessons and move forward to the future.

• But stay the same. It's good when you meet the expectations of yourself and of other people. However, it's also easy to get caught up with them, so much that you begin to lose those things that make you stand out from the rest. What I'm trying to say is this: go meet those expectations without losing your identity. Besides, people love your for what you are, not for what they want you to be.

• When the opportunity comes, go grab it. You'll never know when luck will smile at you.

• You don't always get it right the first time. Doing so means you learn quickly, but doing it right, even after many attempts, means you learn thoroughly enough to be able to share that talent or lesson to others. In other words, practice makes perfect.

• Take a few bites, and chew it very well. Never take everything in your mouth and swallow at the same time; lest you'll risk of throwing up.

• My college professor once told us, 'There is no such thing as time management; but there is such thing as setting priorities.' So true, especially now.

• But what if both are too important to let loose? Solution? Prioritize on what will benefit you in the long run.

• I mentioned earlier that there is nothing quite like a strong support system. And I repeat it again - in a world where everything is a test and you're always swamped with tons of to-do's, it's good to have a companion - someone who will remind you of the perks that you will gain after all that brouhaha.

• Take time to take care of yourself. Hectic schedules and a long to-do list is not a reason not to squeeze in some rituals to do so. In fact, these simple routines help ease stress.

• Love comes when you least expect it. I think this is self-explanatory.

• But don't be afraid to take chances. Go show and tell him/her what you really feel. Who knows, he/she may also feels the same way with you. And never, ever wait 'till it's too late.

• Never, ever push yourself to someone. 'He's just not that into you.'

• Similarities bring you closer, but differences make your bond grow stronger. A word of caution, though: quoting Tim Gunn, 'Make it work.'

• Absence makes the heart go fonder, but not too long to make it wander away and look for another.

• When the going gets tough, hold on tight. That's when the tough gets going.

And the most important lesson that I learned this year is this:

There are those times in your life that you're being swamped with all those bad things, and you find yourself uttering, 'I just wanna die.' But it is also in these times that someone or something comes into your life and change everything for good. Then you begin to appreciate all the things that you have and suddenly, you wish to live longer so you see more of these.

Bottom line?

Go on living your life. Have all the reasons to live, and keep them.

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