Sunday, October 24, 2010

Taking Chances (Glee Cast Version)

If you've read my profile at the right side of this blog, you'll probably know that I'm a certified Gleek. But when asked what is my most favorite Glee-covered song, I'm not gonna answer anything. Hell, I love almost all songs in Glee. Even those I love the least. Hey, at least I still liked them somehow.

I can tell you, however, what Glee-covered song means the most to me. This song would be it.

At first it was just another song from the first album. But I went through hard times, and that time I hate myself so much feel like shutting myself from the world. For the most part, I stayed away from everyone (except my friends) and busied myself to listening to music. Then I stumbled upon this song.

The lyrics just hit me, like this song came to me just when I feel it. It's like, yeah I really am lost and I 'don't wanna be alone tonight in this planet they call Earth.'

But this song calls me on, well, 'taking chances'. That even if things are uncertain, even if you have that fear of the unknown, even if you feel like totally beaten up; you just need to grab that chance, hope for the best, and rest assure that you really are not alone in your journey.

In my case, that's what I just did. And I could tell, the risk is so worth it.

So yeah, 'what do you say at taking chances?'

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