Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Legal Chopsuey (chapitre deux)

Today, I have to admit, I feel mentally exhausted.

For the simple reason that tomorrow is the final exams for the most difficult subject (for me) in the first year of the law school curriculum. This one's a make-or-break matter for me because, admittedly, I did not do fairly well during the past quizzes and midterms (my score for the latter, in fact, is so close to the passing score!). Not that I slack or whatever, it's just that it's plain difficult.

It's for that reason why I've been slaving over the book for the past three days, reading the book from cover to cover, trying to understand every law and provision in it. My plan is that for me to fully understand it, I have to read it over and over again. But with my work and errands to do, it was only yesterday that I finally finished the whole book. And how in the world will I read it again, cover to cover, in just two hours tomorrow?

That is the same reason why, at some point, I wanted to give this up. Frankly, I could feel that I don't have any chance of passing this subject, and I'm prepared for the possibility of repeating this subject next sem (summer not included).

But then I thought: I started this fight. No matter the outcome (win or lose), what matters is that you fought your way with all your best efforts. It's just that his standards are way too high for a working-student-with-very-little-knowledge-in-accounting-related-laws like you. Next time (if ever you repeat this same subject), get someone who considers the mindset of someone like you. Hey, law school is considered graduate school, and in graduate school, you can choose your professors. Right?

So right after this, I'll get up, pick up my book and resume where I paused.

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