Sunday, May 15, 2011

Night and Day (a health lesson)

May - my second month in PM shift at work, and one of the few times when night becomes day for me. And I'll tell you why.

Work day starts at 3PM, and ends at 12AM. Estimated time of arrival from workplace to house is around 1AM, and some downtime before I snooze off at 3AM. I usually wake up at 10AM, and prepare for another work day.

This is not the first time I've experienced this kind of lifestyle. A few months ago, I was assigned in graveyard shift (actually, every now and then I am being assigned there, but lately, the GY shift was lifted, leaving two shifts behind. however, with the circumstances that will happen starting next month, I just don't know if the GY will make a comeback). And boy, the shift ruined my entire body. You see, that is the time when night literally becomes day for me, what with work and school being juggled at the same time. And with inadequate sleep and irregular eating hours, my body is just a few pounds shy of being a human flotation device (read: salbabida).

But until my period becomes as unpredictable as the weather, I paused to think, 'This is not right.' My body is deteriorating, and not in a good shape. Sleep is a big factor here, and even if I become a vegan and start doing four-hour workouts, if I don't get enough sleep (in a proper time), my life won't last long. And I'm not getting any younger.

And when my health is in the line, I really have to do something.

So I really hope I could arrange my schedule so I could be in the morning shift and stay that way until the semester ends. Another thing: I also hope I could arrange my school schedule into something that is less toxic. Okay, I know that law school times could be quite crazy, so I guess I could put a few subjects off (because I learned the hard way that going full-load while working is a totally crazy move, unless you're Einstein) so I can have a few days off from the school week. That means a few more time for rest and a tad more time for studying, because law school subjects are like mountains - each step-up is more difficult than the other.

I said during the start of the school year last year, quoting a pain medicine ad, "Trabaho sa umaga, aral sa gabi? Kakayanin, sir!" It's harder than I thought it was, I learned it the hard way. Now that I've learned my lesson, I realized that health really is wealth, and no career or academic achievement can ever match that of being in the pink of health.

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