Saturday, November 3, 2012

The (Anti-)Solo Traveler Diaries (PPUR+ Edition): Sleepless in Puerto Princesa

Can you imagine yourself burning the night oil at work the night before, fly to your vacation destination the morning after, and take a city tour for the rest of the day.

Sounds impossible? Well, I did just that. And I'll tell you how I did it.


April 10, 2012. I spend the night before that at work, since I was assigned at the graveyard shift that time. I immediately left the office upon my time-out at 7am, rode an FX taxi towards a certain area at Commonwealth Avenue where I will be fetched by the hired van (it was our van actually) which will bring us to the airport.

Considering that I did the graveyard shift the day before, I could not understand why I could not fall asleep after hopping in the van to the airport. Probably because of excitement. Probably because I do not feel sleepy at all.

Anyway, this is what I look like that time:

Me and mom. See the dark area under my eyes? That's proof that I didn't get enough sleep.

Unlike my last visit to the NAIA Terminal 3, the services at the airport have greatly improved. However, there should have been more chairs near the check-in counters so that it would not be too tiresome to wait for their turn in the line. There should also be more chairs all over the area to reduce the SRO situation in the airport. Speaking of check-in counters earlier, there should also be at least a space or two for each airline for complaints and emergencies such as cancellations.

Our plane tickets

Ninez Abonal? But I thought your name was Jessa...

If you will notice, I'm using a different name in my plane ticket. It is because I replaced a Team Grade Six member who was included in the ticket booking months ago but backed out afterwards. Since having a name change bears an additional charge, Mom provided me an ID (teachers' ID) with my picture and the name of the backed-out member on it.

Me and mi abuela...

Group pic!

Mom and daughter -- I mean, my mom and my grandma...

For this trip, two members backed out of the trip due to valid (but unknown to me) reasons. They were replaced by me and my lola. Thus the reason for the old lady lurking around our group pictures. Which I find pretty cool, considering her age (my lola is 82 years old) and that she only started leisure traveling pretty late, albeit tagging along with my mom (her first trip was in Singapore lah! Inggit aketch!)

Here are more pictures of our flight to Palawan.

That's our plane!

Yes, we will travel smart...

It's nice to see someone like her enjoy traveling. For that, I hope I could be like her...

My profile pic-worthy shot

My lola's jet-setter shot

There goes the signature plane window shot again...

Mom and Lola touching down in PP!

Yay! We're in Puerto Princesa!
To be continued....

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