Monday, January 28, 2013

Unrequited Love Days

Poor Eponine. She have to die before the one she loved the most returned a bit of her affections. Photo credits

"The cruelest kind of love, the one that almost kills its victims.. Its called unrequited love."
-The Holiday (2006)

"I love him / But only on my own...' 
-Eponine, Les Miserables


Urban Dictionary defines unrequited love as follows:

It's the feeling of being completely, hopelessly, desperately in love with someone, all the while knowing that your feelings will never reach them.

Its contradictory in that you feel incredible because you love someone so much, but also at the same time you feel almost overwhelming despair because you will never know what it is like to hold them in your arms, or touch their face, or kiss their lips. You will never know what it is like to wake-up next to them in bed in the morning, bodies entwined.

It can be masochistic in nature- it causes such heartache, but you enjoy loving the person so much, you willingly let your heart go through the agony, so you can hold onto something- I don't know, maybe hope?

In any case, unrequited love is a very sad thing.

I don't know if you agree with me, but I really think that when it comes to love, nothing hurts more than unrequited love -- the aforementioned definition says it all. And I should know -- been there done that.

The Unrequited Love Days. Those were the times when I admire him from afar. Spent sleepless night thinking what could have been if he gave me a chance. Cursed myself for going after a boy who would never me mine. And filled up diary pages of thoughts of him, his awe-inspiration, and his insensitivity (sort of).

But those days are far away for now. I have to admit, I'm still at a bliss even after three years into my present relationship. There are ups and downs along the way, but it was all good, nevertheless. However, there are times that I revisit my Unrequited Love Days, complete with thoughts of what could have been if it was pursued. I do not have any other intention for doing such -- rather, it was a reminder to me of how lucky I am now. Because somewhere, there is another person who is hurting for loving without being loved in return.

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