Sunday, September 26, 2010

Isn't It Ironic?

I'll let you guys in on a secret that only a few knows about: I'm working at one of the leading media network in the country.

I won't spill any further info on my workplace. But one thing's for sure: when you say you work for a media company like that of mine, people would immediately presume that you are in the know of everything happening around you, from news to entertainment to sports. And it's gonna be easy - all you gotta do is take a sneak peek at those things, and voila!

Yes, it's partly true, because we do get updated. But for the most part, I'm SO NOT updated. I'm serious.

Don't get me wrong, though - we do have a TV in our office, and we have our supply of newspapers as well. But I just don't have time for those things at work, simply because almost all of my free time is spent in reading law books and handouts. Like everyday is a graded recitation, quiz, midterms and finals. Which is exactly the case, though the first one is the more prominent. Besides, I have a quota to meet everyday. I can't describe in detail my job description (is that a CV or what?), but my work requires a quota to meet everyday.  I guess you already knew what would happen if I don't meet my quota.

Finally, I've mentioned this one earlier, but most of my time is spent on reading, you guessed right, law books. Even weekends. Instead of hanging out somewhere, I just read to prepare for the recitations and exams.

Yeah, it's ironic, that someone working at a media company do not even know the things that her company is covering. But I do have good and justifiable reasons. Do I?

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