Friday, February 14, 2014

A Filipina's Guide to Making the First Move (Some Points to Remember)

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As I've mentioned in the previous post, I'm the kind who wants to be courted without all that brouhaha, and that I'm also willing to make the move if the need calls for it.

I'm pretty sure you're asking: How did you do that? Can I do it to? If I do that, I'll snag the man of my dreams? What if I'm not successful?

Before anything else, I'd like to clear out a few things:

- This is not for the faint-hearted. Love itself is a gamble. Breaking the norm in the name of love is a much greater gamble. And receiving all sorts of criticism for doing so is less than half of the battle. If you're not ready for such, leave out this option.

- This is not a surefire way to get the man of your dreams. Amulets and potions can backfire (or ineffective in the first place), and so is making the move towards the guy. No amount of preventive and curative measures can assure that.

- Proceed with caution. You can't just appear in front of him and blurt out all of your pent-up feelings for him. IMHO, the ideal way to this approach is to do it with a bit of finesse (however 'random' or 'accidental' it may appear), and this involves some timing and planning.

More tips coming up when you click "Read More"

Here are some things to remember when making a move to a guy, based on personal experience and observation:

* Evaluate yourself and your feelings very carefully. At the very least, ask yourself if you are emotionally ready to enter in a relationship (or a new one if you've been in one in the past). Most especially, ask yourself if what you feel towards the guy is for real and not for any shallow reason.

* Seek advice when needed. If you are confused about your own assessment as mentioned, ask your family and friends if they have the same assessment as you have. It's worth noting whatever your loved ones have to say because at the very least they are just looking out on your own welfare. Remember though, despite their advice, it is still your decision whether to proceed or retract.

* Knowing a guy on a personal level is an advantage. If you only know the guy from afar, you may want to take stalking to another level and start sending out your feelers. Better yet, approach him when an opportunity comes. Paramdam ka rin pag may time.

For my next post, I will enumerate some of the ways and 'strategies' on how to execute the plan, and how to deal when he does not respond positively. *wink, wink*

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