Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Filipina's Guide to Making the First Move (Rules of the Game - Part I)

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Valentine's Day may be over, but it's not too late for some love tips, no?

So are you ready to make that first move to the guy? Here now are the guidelines on playing the game:

Rule #1: Prepare yourself.
As I have mentioned, this move will be a big and bold one; thus it is important that you prepare yourself first and foremost. Refer to the previous post for further tips on how to prepare yourself for this endeavor.

Rule #2: Speak up.
As I've said in my previous post, knowing a guy on a personal level is an advantage. Otherwise, or if you've decided to make the first move (congrats!) yet you're too shy, at the very least get the conversation started. Introduce yourself, get to know the guy, find common ground -- you know the works.

But if you've already known the guy (good for you), gently turn up the conversation into something love-related. Depending on how well you've known the guy, it can be as simple as 'How do you see women?' or as bold as 'Do you have a girlfriend?' (I personally asked this question to my BF back then.) Get the ball rolling from there.

More tips after the jump!

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Rule #3: Be yourself.
Never EVER transform yourself into someone else or do something against your will just to attract or please a man. If you find yourself doing such, ditch him like cold turkey -- he does not deserve your time and your affection. This is especially true even after you've become an item, should that be the ending of this journey for you.

Rule #4: Keep yourself attuned.
There will be awkward moments at this point, and it's totally okay. But don't let awkwardness rule in your head -- otherwise, you will be overwhelmed by these feelings and be discouraged to push through. It is important to recognize whether things are becoming awkward for you, and it's okay to ask if he feels that way. That way, you can determine whether you have to lighten things up a bit or to save such conversations to another day.

Rule #5: A little push can help...
The people around you can help nudge you closer into the guy -- in my case, my law school classmates were teasing the two of us to death. Grab the chance once it's there.

Rule #6: ...but don't push too much.
As I've said earlier, timing is key in this move. If things are becoming real awkward, especially on his part, maybe he's not yet ready. Stand back a bit at this point, and then proceed when it's all good.

There are four more rules to go, so stand by for more of the tips on making that first move to the guy. Anything you want to add in here? Feel free to write yours on the comments box below!

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