Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Filipina's Guide to Making the First Move (Rules of the Game -- Part II)

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As promised, here is the rest of the tips for making that first move towards the guy. I will also dish out some details on how I did it with my beau. *wink wink*

Rule #7: Know when it's time to 'spill the beans.'
Sometimes you'll know that it's time when, just like in my case, you 'can't fight this feeling anymore.' Other times you'll know it's time for some other reason (ie. he 'somehow' knew about what you feel). One thing's for sure -- when you know it's about time, don't delay it.

Rule #8: Sometimes anything coming from him may give you a hint.
It may be as simple as you guys getting too close for comfort or as 'grand' as him going the extra mile for you. The latter happened in my case where he actually went out of his way to fetch me from the office with flowers in tow. For some girls, this may be the hint you're looking for, but I only realized this later on.

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Rule #9: Express it in a way most comfortable to you.
Of course the best way is to say it upfront, but some people aren't just comfortable expressing it that way. That I why highly admire those girls who said their feelings personally and upfront towards the guy -- it takes great courage to do so.

I'm saying this because I did not tell him personally how I feel -- I sent him a lengthy personal message over Facebook. I could still vividly remember how I could not sleep that night thinking about how I feel for him, and how I would keep tossing and turning in my bed right after sending that message to him...

Rule #10: Prepare yourself (again)
After you've expressed your feelings, there are only two kinds of possible responses -- yes and no. These two responses may vary; nevertheless, you'll have to brace yourself for both situations.

As for that fateful Facebook message I sent to him, by the time I woke up the next day, I was ready for any response he may have over the matter. I distracted myself by meeting up with a friend who is about to leave for overseas the following month. In the afternoon, I opened my account, and received a response that became the first of the series of events that changed my view on love forever. <3

I'll explain in my last post the variations of the 'yes' and 'no' responses to your expression of love, and how to deal with either of these situations.

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