Thursday, February 6, 2014

Free At Last

On this day, I finally gained my freedom.

Not that kind of freedom that I really wanted -- I'm way far from it. Today, I'm free from all the crazy things my work is giving me.

Oh, I have not mentioned that much. Sorry, my bad. Okay, I'll start from the very beginning:

I ended my stint at a major TV network in October because my contract there is about to end and I decided not to renew anymore. I may have the option to renew and what not, but I decided not to because the frequent changes in shift schedule is already taking a toll on me.

But wanting to stay as a working student (I'm paying my school duties, and that's why I went the working student mode early on) made me apply for that home-based job being offered to me. I got in, and then started immediately, not knowing what I got myself into.

Sure my job was writing, which I enjoy, but -- early on it came to a point where it becomes anything but enjoyable. I mean, I studied Journalism and written the heck out of everything in my four years there. I was writing even more when I came to law school (hello, essay exams!).

Thing is, my particular job has become a chore. So much that I could not accomplish what is expected from me there. And those things were beating the hell out of me for reasons uncomprehendable to me to this day. No words can explain it, ever.

And yesterday, after three months of probationary period, I'm finally out of it. And I feel relieved, for the first time ever since last Christmas. Or even after I resigned from my former job prior to this.

Really, I could not describe what I feel right now. Probably anything but sadness. Of course I was sad that I'm no longer part of the company, but for the most part I'm relieved.

What's next for me? Well, I'm applying to various companies, preferably not that far from what I have studies (Journalism and Law), and hopefully they have a schedule that's favorable for working students like me. And I hope I get in there.

As for the freedom that I really wanted, yes I'm far from it, but I'm planning on it. But that's another story.

For now, I declare my return to the blogging scene!

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