Friday, February 21, 2014

Meet My Special Someone

Hiya guys!

I would like you guys to meet my special someone.

He's the most adorable thing that happened into my life. He changed me in more ways imaginable than any other person -- he made me responsible for anything that is handed to me and sensitive to other people's feelings. He was a true friend to me though he speaks in a language that rarely a few could comprehend (I do). Best of all, he was there when I really needed the most.

Maybe this picture will give you a clue.
I'm pretty sure you're curious who he is. Meet him when you click 'Read More'

Here he is -- meet my dog Snowy.

Snowy is a one-year-and-eight-months old male Japanese spitz. You may hint from his looks as to why we named him that way. :)

As you can see, he's now a full-grown adult dog now. Pretty far from the puppy that he was when he first arrived in our home. He was three months old back then.

His nose was still pink back then...

But even then, he knows how to wink..

And how to pose for the camera.
And at an early age, he was already traveling! And mom loves him for it!

'Mommy, let go of me!'
Who can resist this cute face, even if it's in a smug mode?

There are no words to describe how much I love him. Only the bulk of these pictures could justify how I adore my Snowy. (*______*)

See that leg with furry slippers on? That's me.

How about you guys -- you have a pet? Share your pet stories in the comments box below!

1 comment:

  1. Snowy is absolutely cute as pie! In those early pictures as a little puppy he is the most darling thing, tiny and cute and looking like you could pop him in your handbag when you go out. Though he's not exactly huge now, still adorable. And you're right, it's not always our human friends who are our best friends.

    Kelley @ The Whole Hound
