Saturday, January 9, 2016

[30 DAY BLOG CHALLENGE] Someone I Fancy At The Moment

Hiya, guys!

It's been two days since my last post. I know I'm supposed to post every day during this challenge, but since classes resumed this week, I've been swamped with much work lately. But worry not, because I now promise to post every single day of this challenge thanks to a new strategy to make sure that a new post goes up each day.

Let's get down to business, shall we? Well today, I'm asked to post a photo of someone I fancy.

Photo credit here
Someone I fancy? Haven't I posted about my celebrity crushes? Does this mean people that I admire? Real-life crushes?

Okay well then, I'll just talk about my boyfriend because honestly, he's the only guy that I fancy not just at the moment but also all the time -- save for my celebrity crushes, of course. You may have known about him because of my previous posts, but just in case you haven't click 'Read More' now.

He doesn't seem to smile, doesn't he? That's because his eyes disappear when he smiles widely. In fact, his eyes are beginning to close at this photo. 
His name is Don, he's two months younger than I am. We graduated from the same school, came from the same batch but in different courses -- he's from Political Science, I'm from Journalism.

If I am to tell our entire love story -- how we met, how we had our feelings for each other, how we became official -- it would take an entire post or two. But over the past six (!) years that we're together, I could say that we've been through a lot and I got to know him better in the process.

Our first photo together as a couple
At our Banapple date in 2013
Right now we're in that stage where we could look at each other's eyes and we knew we're saying 'I love you' to each other. But even at six years, there's a lot of things to know and to explore about each other, and a lot of things yet to experience. For instance, we have not gone out of town with just the two of us nor had a staycation.

Our latest photo. Sorry for his smug face, though. Methinks it's his version of Bitchy Resting Face. *sigh*
You might ask if after six years in the relationship we are now contemplating marriage. To be honest, yes we are -- I mean we have talked about that (getting married, starting a family) since we were two years in the relationship. Two things are for sure though -- a) nothing is final until one of us or both of us pass the bar exams, whichever comes first but b) save for my condition that he should ask my parents first before asking me to marry him.

Oh, I think I have to stop right here before things get really deep. So how about you, guys -- who is that someone that you fancy?

Here's our rundown of the posts throughout the challenge:

Intro | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9
Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14

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